In Person Services Edmonton, Calgary and Fort McMurray
Starting July 5th, we are excited to announce that drop-in options (with some restrictions) will resume. The Lodge continues to offer services by in-person appointment, by telephone, online and by email.
Protocols to access any Lodge facility:
- Masks are mandatory.
- You must use hand sanitizer.
- You must complete the COVID-19 Visitor’s Log set up at all entry points – you may complete this on paper or by contactless method by scanning a QR code on a Lodge iPad.
- You must follow signage and remain 2 meters apart.
- There are maximum capacities for each building – please see below.
- Please wait until it is your turn. You will be called. Please do not approach until called.
- No congregating inside or outside facilities is permitted.
- Those waiting to enter should remain outside and in a lineup 2 meters apart.
- Contactless payment methods are preferred.
- The Store will remain closed until further notice.
Edmonton Weld Centre – continues to offer in-person welding access through the east door. Because of small size of the Welding Centre reception area there will be a maximum of 2 people permitted to enter at any one time. Others are asked to remain outside observing social distancing requirements.
Apprenticeship & Mechanical Training Centre (AMTC) – continues to offer by appointment in-person access. For drop-in service, please go to the Main Administration building.
Dispatch Hall – continues to offer services by in-person appointment, by telephone, online and by email. In addition, beginning on Monday July 5th at 8:00 a.m. drop-ins for Dispatch related services.
Main Administration building – continues to offer services by in-person appointment, by telephone, online and by email. In addition, beginning on Monday July 5th at 8:00 a.m. a maximum of 3 people may enter the main reception area at any one time. All others are asked to remain outside observing social distancing requirements.
McAteer Benefit office – continues to offer services by in-person appointment, by telephone, online and by email. In addition, beginning on Monday July 5th at 8:00 a.m. a maximum of 1 person may enter the Benefit office at any one time. All others are asked to remain outside observing social distancing requirements. Please note that Pension Application assistance is by appointment only.
Calgary Weld Centre – continues to offer in-person welding access.
Calgary Administration Office – continues to offer by appointment in-person access.
- Disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in denial of services.
- If you have any symptoms similar to those of the COVID-19 virus (e.g., runny nose, cough, fever, etc.) or you feel unwell (e.g., with a stomach flu such as norovirus, etc.) you are NOT permitted to enter a Lodge Facility. Please access service by telephone, email, and/or online.
- If you are currently waiting for a COVID-19 test result you are NOT permitted to enter a Lodge Facility. Please access service by telephone, email, and/or online.
- If a Close Contact has tested positive for COVID-19 or is awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test you are NOT permitted to enter a Lodge Facility. Please access service by telephone, email, and/or online.
We ask for your patience while we make these adjustments.